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Samsung has launched its popular tablet version Galaxy 10.1 Tab in India today.The two new galaxy tabs are named as Galaxy tab 730 and Galaxy tab 750 .Galaxy Tab 750 was renamed version of 10.1 tab and Galaxy tab 730 was renamed version of 8.9 Tab.   The two new Galaxy tabs using Android honeycomb OS 3.1 will be available in market by end of August 2011 and will be priced at Rs,33,990 for normal one and Rs 36,990 for Wi-Fi + 3G. As Apple is fighting with Samsung in many countries to stop shipping its Android Tablet and smartphones.Soon apple may stop India sales too and grab soon if you want to buy it . See also: Samsung teases Apple iPad in latest commercial


Apple have redesigned and upgraded MacBook Air models with latest Sandy bridge processor and ultra fast Thunderbolt IO technology that helps data transfer speed upto 10 Gbps. The new line of MacBook Airs are redesigned from previous MacBook airs that looks sleek and shiny. This launch of new MacBook came along with commercial release of MAC OS Lion that was previewed a year ago.Apple silently killed the old MacBook $999 model and you cant buy it anymore. These new MacBook Airs will be sipped with Mac OS lion which sports many new features as well.Available in 11 and 13 inches, base price is $999.   See the detailed comparison between MacBook air models.   Follow us on twitter and facebook to get real-time updates and [&hellip


Samsung have launched galaxy tab 10.1 tablet that runs on Android 3.1 OS.Samsung after starting their sales on best buy stores recently have released first commercial which teases Apple iPad2.   The commercial named “Its time to Tab” shows the Tablet Pc’s usage in daily life.   The 10.1 inch android tablet’s hardware configuration is far better when compared with iPad2 and Motorola Xoom. Additionally galaxy tab 10.1 supports flash and iPad wont because of apple’s stand on HTML5.This commercial is not just the one teasing Apple iPad,Motorola too teased apple iPad while launching their Xoom tablet. Share your comments


Tablet PCs are the next generation gadgets after the Notebook revolution.Apple was first in the assembly line to produce Tablet PC called ipad and thereby capturing wide market share.Not to mention Apple-Ipad broke the sales record by selling millions of ipads during earlier weeks. As the markets turned towards new economy the computer manufacturers wanted to produce their own Tablet PCs.They wanted Android OS as its open source and U can see many upcoming Tablets are android ones. Here’s a list of  upcoming Tablet PCs with details like manufacturer,OS, approximate price and availability. RIM launched Playbook tablet, which we discussed before.There is one more Tablet PC which was cheapest when compared to others,it was 35$ Tablet PC from India and it uses Android