How to Install Archive

Fontmatrix is a manager built with the kind of features and abilities graphic designers, layout professionals along with others have felt necessary, but modernized with some new touches.Fontmatrix has a concept of ‘tagging’. This makes it really nice to group fonts and even sub-group them logically for use in a book for instance. It also has extensive gui support for showing all glyphs in a font, previews of sample text, variable sizing and also tells what kinds of advanced Open Type features are inside each font. These features have never been seen outside of a font editor. And not least, it creates a nice PDF catalogue of user’s fonts for printing or reference. In short, fontmatrix is a font manager for professionals, but is nice [&hellip


Introduction : LiVES is a Video Editing System. It is designed to be simple to use, yet powerful. It is small in size, yet it has many advanced features. LiVES mixes realtime video performance and non-linear editing in one professional quality application. It will let you start editing and making video right away, without having to worry about formats, frame sizes, or framerates. It is a very flexible tool which is used by both professional VJ’s and video editors – mix and switch clips from the keyboard, use dozens of realtime effects, trim and edit your clips in the clip editor, and bring them together using the multitrack timeline. You can even record your performance in real time, and then edit it further or render [&hellip


Good news for blackberry and linux users . Linux users who also use a BlackBerry  now have an option for managing their BlackBerry directly from Linux. Introduction : Barry is an Open Source application that will provide synchronization, backup, restore and program management for BlackBerry ™ devices. Barry is primarily developed on Linux, but is intended as a cross platform library and application set, targeting Linux, BSD, 32/64bit, and big/little endian . The Barry project began in October 2005 and has steadily added features and polish to Blackberry usage on Linux ever since. We were the first to reverse engineer the battery charging handshake via USB. Features : Charge your Blackberry’s battery from your USB port Parse the following database records: Address Book, Email, Calendar, [&hellip