You tube videos can be downloaded without copy pasting the video url to another site or installing chrome.It can be done using a simple click on the bookmarklet A bookmarklet is an applet, a small computer application, stored as the URL of a bookmark in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page. Wikipedia To do that you have to install the bookmarklet in your browser which is a very simple task.Drag and drop the following text into your browser’s bookmark area. Get YouTube video (drag and drop this) Now open the YouTube video which you wish to download and click the bookmark which you have created now. You will see an extension below the embed code.Click the [&hellip
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You may tried to update windows 7 using the default updater.It downloads the update from internet and installs it locally.If you want to update your friend’s pc,then you have to go online again. To avoid this problem, Windows 7 can be updated offline using an autopatcher you can install it on any number of computers. Using the autopatcher you can download the windows updates like downloading software from internet, later you can install on your system or your friend’s too.You can also select updates necessary for you instead of downloading all. This also avoids the risk of being blocked by windows for genuine version. To download Autopatcher for windows 7 click here ( also available for xp [&hellip
Are you getting the speed for what you pay? Many have this doubt about the speed of the internet connection.There is an online application which gives you exact speed of your internet connection. Visit “” to check your internet speed without any compromise What is Use to test the speed of your Internet connection. See if you are getting what you pay for and share your results with others! check this global internet speed chart. Are you getting the speed for what you pay ? comment it below
Google recently released a gadget for igoogle to search keywords used in the US election videos on YouTube.The search giant has now expanded this service to help people to search the words used in the video. Google’s voice recognition system GAudi collects the words used in the video and indexes it for searching. This service is used to find the text spoken inside a video and let the user to jump to particular time of the word spoken. visit and search for the keywords, It shows the videos that has the particular word spoken. You can also share the particular portion of the video too. If you like to share those part,click the people icon on the YouTube video player to get [&hellip
Cloud computing – latest technology standard becoming very popular.It is very advantageous than grid computing and Utility computing.More over cloud computing has got attention due to cost and energy efficiency. In this technology the software/hardware/infrastructure are shared in a single environment , so that companies need not spend much of its revenue in maintenance . To know about the basics of cloud computing ,watch the video from Much explanatory video – source Some common web services that utilises cloud computing technology: 1.Google app Engine 2.Gmail 3.Amazon Amazon Ec2 Amazon s3 Amazon Simple DB 4.Microsoft azure Windows SQL azure Windows app fabric 5.zoho &#
New trick to convert any webpage into a PDF file in single click. Go to the website provide the URL of the website which you want to download now you can download the webpage in PDF format. For Example : Download this page in pdf format [ click here ] This website also provides various options on PDF orientations like portrait and landscape. [ check advanced options ] Tweet this article if you find it useful 🙂