We are living in the world of technology and the only life blood of technology is “Internet” . Its the one that passes out information to all out devices (aka) gadgets.Without internet all these devices would be a piece of junk,In some years the computer without the internet connection may not be seen.This infographic shows the technology behind the Internet and how it works. See more Infographics
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Digg and reddit are popular news sharing sites on the internet,They are actively competing each other for getting popularity.This infographic from Rate Rush explains the stats about digg and reddit.Digg redesigned its look to head on with stumble upon and reddit.Even reddit showed up their monthly user base recently. Digg vs reddit Via : techcrunch I like reddit much than new digg.Reddit is far too simple and easily customizable.Which do you prefer to share your news. digg or reddit ? and why do you prefer so
Linkedin has become worlds largest professional network with more than 70 million users.Not just facebook has huge growth , Amazingly every second a new member joins linkedin, from ceo’s to college students everyone uses linkedin to connect with the professional world.A nice info graphic to show the growth of linkedin. More Infographics
Instant messaging has become so popular these days, Whether its gtalk or Live messenger there’s a gradual increase in people using these services.This info graphic is created by Pingdom which provide a lot of statistics about instant messaging. Windows live messenger tops the usage list. Which Instant messenger do you use and what is reason behind it? share with your comments
Creative way to compare the speeds of the browsers like chrome,safari,Firefox,opera and internet explorer. Google’s chrome stands out the fastest browser and its my favourite one because of its super fast loading of pages. Via:TinyPic How Chrome stands out different from other browsers? There are lot of features to say