Apple Archive

   Apple Iphone OS 4.0 is launched today by Steve Jobs. This will available to users this summer. Old users of iphone can soon upgrade to version 4.0             Several new features added to iphone this time. Before the preview, steve showed up the ipad and apps statistics. Total 450,000 ipads sold [ till 8th april]           Iphone OS 4.0 Though 100 new features added to Iphone 4.0 , There are several notable changes . Multitasking I books I AD – Mobile advertising Folders for apps Social gaming network         Further details on iphone OS will be posted soon. Image credits : Gdgt , gizmodo , engadget


   Apple ipad sales is sky rocketing – 700,000 ipads including pre orders.Over one million apps downloaded on day one. Owing to this massive growth in sales, Now all the web developers have started to started to design apps and websites that are ipad compatible . So how would your website look in ipad?? Ipadpeek is an online web application that shows how your websites look on apple IPad.   This link will be very helpful for designers who want to develop app for ipad. Site : Ipad Peek   check how your site looks when opened in ipad and share your comments below


  Apple Ipad was teared apart to get a detailed insight about its hardware.Ifixit had done a great job in analysing the ipad hardware.          lot more pictures at Ifixit With step by step guide


  Apple Ipad ships today to all apple stores across the world. Huge crowd waiting outside the apple store for getting ipad. Last month we had ipad complete review. Now lot of hands on reviews and unboxing videos started to pour in. let we have the latest scoops from apple , FCC released the ipad images which was submitted to apple.The pictures reveal the hardware details of ipad.         A look into ipad hardware:       Outside NY apple store                 Via[  Usatoday,Ifixit,Cnet,FCC ] Update: Apple ipad sales till april 8th – 450,000 Have you bought ipad ? share your pics and thoughts


  Apple inc’s evolution of products from Macintosh to ipad. The first Macintosh, also known as the Macintosh 128K 1.iMac 2.iPod 3.Xserve 4.Mac book 5.iPhone 6.Macbook Air 7. iPad 2010 Man behind Apple 10 things that you don’t know about Steve jobs


Apple‘s Steve jobs recently said  Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit’.The cold war actually started at Infinite loop, Apple removed all android apps from its App stores. This chart better explains about the differences between two companies and their work ethics. Google vs apple