Apps Archive

 Facebook teams with Microsoft to launch – a online version of Microsoft office.A simplified online version that we awaited for.To edit a word document we definitely need Office software. In some critical cases you wont have Office installed on the PC you are using, This creates lot of trouble when you desperately need that document. Microsoft finally found a solution for editing the documents online.This is a major advantage for the business users. Microsoft teamed with Facebook for adding the social touch. You can use by login using Face book ID . ( Doesn’t need Live ID) .Your facebook friends can comment on your document as well.You can set privacy setting for your documents to be private if you don’t want to share [&hellip


  Adobe today launches Creative suite 5 of all its products.If you need to see the live launch event see here.                 There are Five editions of adobe CS5 Web Premium, Production Premium, Design Standard, Design Premium and the Master Collection.     Adobe has started cs5 pre orders today.      Compare the editions of all CS5 products here                 Live Launch event More insights about CS5 : Web designers depot


Word cloud generators provide amazing way for text visualization. The new app is developed by tagxedo and it was built by developer Hardy Leung  and released  just a couple of days ago.  This app is really stunning.You can create different shapes out of it.Even you can add images to outline the words to create stunning effects. Check this gallery for amazing arts created using this app. Earlier there was another application wordle that you can try.        This app is built using silverlight. CrunchBase Information Wordle Information provided by CrunchBase News Source: Techcrunch


  Foursquare is mobile gaming and social networking application which uses the power of geo location. Foursquare is a newYork based mobile start-up becoming one of the hottest internet companies in the world.   Foursquare is founded by Dennis Crowley (L) and Naveen Selvadurai, Foursquare growth is extraordinary 725,000 users so far ( 100,000 users in just 10 days).     This growth predicts that Foursquare may be the next big thing after twitter.   Learn how to use Foursquare .     Foursquare Mobile application is available for Iphone, android,Palm and blackberry. Foursquare rewards its users by providing them badges . Tell us what  you think about this application Check the site of one of the founders of foursquare


   Apple Iphone OS 4.0 is launched today by Steve Jobs. This will available to users this summer. Old users of iphone can soon upgrade to version 4.0             Several new features added to iphone this time. Before the preview, steve showed up the ipad and apps statistics. Total 450,000 ipads sold [ till 8th april]           Iphone OS 4.0 Though 100 new features added to Iphone 4.0 , There are several notable changes . Multitasking I books I AD – Mobile advertising Folders for apps Social gaming network         Further details on iphone OS will be posted soon. Image credits : Gdgt , gizmodo , engadget


   Apple ipad sales is sky rocketing – 700,000 ipads including pre orders.Over one million apps downloaded on day one. Owing to this massive growth in sales, Now all the web developers have started to started to design apps and websites that are ipad compatible . So how would your website look in ipad?? Ipadpeek is an online web application that shows how your websites look on apple IPad.   This link will be very helpful for designers who want to develop app for ipad. Site : Ipad Peek   check how your site looks when opened in ipad and share your comments below