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Ever wondered, how to make an animated movie?? If you ask Spielberg, he would suggest you to learn 3DS Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Adobe After Effect and blah.. blah.. blah… But here is a website which tells, “IF YOU CAN TYPE, YOU CAN MAKE MOVIES”. Interestingly, If you think everyone enjoy movies, (Update: This website has been closed)thinks Everyone can make movies. It provides a web based interface to make real time movies out of text. It not just converts your text to speech but also to a movie with characters speaking your text. The web based interface requires more network bandwidth. So if you like to make movies instantly, you can try downloading their PC version called State. You can try out your creativity [&hellip


Apple is now the second top tech company in the world, after macintosh apple’s big hit product was iphone and its still making record sales including recent iphone4. (forget about about recent android growth)The revolution apple’s iphone made in this world. See more infographics