This tutorial will teach you how to stop autoplay of USB and other drives in your system .Whenever you insert USB or CD in your computer , you will get notification regarding the action to be taken for the files which are present in that drive. Whether it is good or bad , it depends on user. But i dont like the pop up
Hacks Archive
This tutorial will help you to hide any drive in your system . Step 1 : Open the Run Window . Go to Start -> Run or click Windows button + R Enter Gpedit.msc Step 2: Click User Configuration On the right side of Group Policy Window , Click User Configuration . Step 3 : Navigate Through Administrative Template –>Windows Component->Windows Explorer Step 4 : Double Click on ‘ Hide these Specified drives in My Computer’ . Step 5 : Change the attributes . * You can restrict any drives . * Choose Enabled Option . Step 6 : Output That’s it . Done . Here we have hided only one drive ( D:) . Follow Us @ Twitter Facebook Fan Page