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Twitter – popular micro blogging platform is growing huge(over 100 billion tweets ).Imagine if entire tweets of twitter are  printed in paper ?? Infographic by Cartridge Save for printer cartridges Don’t forget to follow us on twitter. If Entire Internet is printed out in paper ? check this post


 Twitter’s growing exponentially in a rapid way , Twitter going to reach new milestone,10 billion tweets.Watch the live tweet count as it happens. Twitter is getting 50 million tweet (approx) a day Twitter getting 23,573,178 unique visitors per month It would take 2912 years to read entire tweets by a normal human being Watch the live counter of tweets through Gigatweet The stats from Compete , Alexa , Quarkbase Dont forget to follow us on twitter


Simple trick to integrate Twitter and Facebook inside Gmail window like Google Buzz.You don’t have to open multiple tabs to access Twitter and facebook as you can use both in Gmail window. Google Buzz is integrated inside Gmail , hence we try same trick for facebook and twitter.This new feature is proposed by Google’s Ari Milner in his buzz post.   Step 1: In Gmail go to Settings->labs->; Enable Add any gadget by URL     Step 2 : For facebook  Go to Settings -> Gadgets  and Paste the Facebook gadget URL: Thats all, Now you can see facebook link on left bottom,below chat list.Click the link to open Facebook on the same window. For Twitter   Follow the same procedure , Paste the [&hellip