Facebook questions go live after beta testing


March 26, 2011facebookNo comments

Facebook’s new feature called Facebook questions is now launched to public after a year of beta testing.This new feature is now limited public beta not available to everyone but if you need to Facebook questions you can click to activate.

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I you have Facebook questions activated,you can see the questions link at the top.

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Asking questions

You can ask either a question or a poll right away from the questions link.You can either choose the number of choices or make it open ended.

while asking questions for first time you will see a message pop up saying “Facebook questions are not private” simply anyone can answer any Facebook question.When you publish the question it will be posted to your wall.

Answering questions

You can answer the question by simply selecting among the choice or write your own answer.Like same way of  commenting if you answer the question your answer will be posted to your wall and thus it continues to everyone.



all the Facebook questions have the comment boxes below where you can discuss about the question.An added feature you can also see which friend answered which option in the poll question. You can follow the question if you need to,find a link to follow at the bottom of wall post.

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Facebook questions are basically similar to yahoo answers and Quora but people would prefer to get answers from their friends rather than a unknown person .

Facebook actively working on adding useful applications apart from social networking like Facebook Email,memorable status updates etc..

Do you like this new feature in facebook ? share with us.

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