Internet nominated for Nobel peace prize 2010


February 7, 2010featuredNo comments

Believe it or not “Internet ” has finally made into the list of Nobel peace Nominee list.This nomination is done by the Wired Magazine [ Italy ]. It has now been clear that  Internet not only a communication medium but also proving to create peace among the nations.

The candidates of 2010 Nobel Peace Prize issued in OSLO : A Russian human rights group, a Chinese dissident and an inanimate object: the Internet

  • The candidates names never disclosed to public for the past 50 years
  • The other Candidates are Russian Human right activist Svetlana gannushkina, Liu xiabo [ recenty jailed dissident]
  • Winner will be announced in October

A website featuring ” Internet for peace” is launched and this organisation is getting amazing support from countries all over the world.

Kindly RT this post to make awareness that ” Internet deserves this Prize” 

Source: AP , Wired

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