How to : Delete your Google plus account

Google Plus –a new social networking website from Google is increasing their user base day by day . But still some people feel that it’s not convenient as Facebook is .If you are one among them and thinking about deleting your Google plus account , then here is how you can do.

Level : Beginner

Step By Step Tutorial :

Step 1: Go to your Google Plus account .

Step 2: Select the gear icon which is in upper-right corner .Here select Google+ Settings.


Step 3: Select Account Overview on the left side , then click Delete profile and remove associated social features .


Step 4 : Here you can opt for either of two options : Either you can go for deletion of your Google plus account or you can delete  your whole Google account .Thats it done , your Google plus account is deleted .


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One Response to “How to : Delete your Google plus account”
  1. shyamlal

    It was a nice article . I too feel that google plus users surly need a guide to how to delete it safely .



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