Google News Archive

Goggle April fool day 2010 pranks list is out , and its official.Some of the ideas are really hilarious and some are real too. check its 2009 version [update: 2011 version too ] 1. Google changed its name to Topeka. Topeka is a city in Kansas recently changed its name to “Google” (yeah) to show its interest in getting the Google’s high speed internet service.To give a favour in turn Google today changes its name to “Topeka” Effective 1AM (CDT) on April 1, 2010, Google’s name has officially been changed to “Topeka.” 2.Youtube – Video in ASCII Youtube introduces a new TEXTp mode which displays video in the form of text.Thereby saving the bandwidth consumed by videos.It saves 1$ per second too.   3.Google vowels [&hellip


 Google has added three new features to google calendars- a free application that integrates into Gmail . These three features can be activated using the labs section in google calender.   1. Event Flare Calendar application now gets event icon sets like birthday party,traveling,playing etc You can set icons for personalized look.  2.Gentle remainders get the event notifications through browser alert boxes, It shows the blinking box if a new event is notified..It will work on chrome browser,ther browsers show the alert box alone  3. Automatically declining events   Going out for holiday trip ? then the calendar events invitations are automatically declined.You can define periods in time when all event invitations will automatically be declined.  Source : Gmail Blog


Google inc completely pictured in a single image,its revenues,history,timeline,market share everything about Google shown here. [Souce : Pingdom ]Check this for facebook facts  If you find this blog to be interesting, Subscribe to our posts via email or Follow us on twitter, Fan onFacebook&nbsp


  Google recently released a gadget for igoogle to search keywords used in the US election videos on YouTube.The search giant has now expanded this service to help people to search the words used in the video.   Google’s voice recognition system GAudi collects the words used in the video and indexes it for searching. This service is used to find the text spoken inside a video and let the user to jump to particular time of the word spoken. visit and search for the keywords, It shows the videos that has the particular word spoken. You can also share the particular portion of the video too. If you like to share those part,click the people icon on the YouTube video player to get [&hellip


Google Buzz changed the scenario of social networking and growing enormously. Some minor tweaks has been updated at google Buzz. This post will help you to know the tips and tricks of google Buzz   How to get Google buzz on your browser   Chrome Extension Firefox Addon 1.How to turn off buzz   2. Hide Google buzz update     3. How to remove buzz from inbox   Step1:  click the ‘ create a filter ‘ link in Gmail Step 2 : Type label:buzz in the first text box   Click Next step button, It will warn you that Filter searches containing label and a few other search operators won’t work Don worry it wont create any problem. click OK. Step 3: Finally tick [&hellip


Simple trick to integrate Twitter and Facebook inside Gmail window like Google Buzz.You don’t have to open multiple tabs to access Twitter and facebook as you can use both in Gmail window. Google Buzz is integrated inside Gmail , hence we try same trick for facebook and twitter.This new feature is proposed by Google’s Ari Milner in his buzz post.   Step 1: In Gmail go to Settings->labs->; Enable Add any gadget by URL     Step 2 : For facebook  Go to Settings -> Gadgets  and Paste the Facebook gadget URL: Thats all, Now you can see facebook link on left bottom,below chat list.Click the link to open Facebook on the same window. For Twitter   Follow the same procedure , Paste the [&hellip