Google News Archive

Now with google’s new product called “Google currents” you can create digital publications of your website or blog and make it available to smartphones and tablets very easily. Google Current is an mobile application that is available in android market and apple’s app store.You can download it to your devices say android smartphone,iphone,android tablets and ipad.Using this application users can read news from different publications in the user friendly format.So we can call this application as a magazine creator


As part of making essential Google services available even offline, Google announced the offline mode for Gmail. To access Gmail even when you are away from an internet connection in your device you need to install the chrome app for offline Gmail access. See also : How to update windows 7 offline Once you install the application you will be able to access the mails in your inbox,can send mail,search and archive.Once you are connected to internet all the changes you made will be synchronized. Steps to Install Offline Gmail 1. Goto Chrome web store page and install the application 2.The offline mode will be run in background This application uses the HTML5 offline storage technology to store the emails for offline access. Not just [&hellip


Other than just a social network Google plus have many other uses that are discovered in the recent days,But Google plus itself hasn’t become a mainstream social network since Facebook and twitter play a dominant role.Moreover people will choose a network that have most of their friends are using (which is Facebook obviously).So every new user to Google plus will already be having an account in Facebook and twitter,so it will be difficult for them to update multiple social networks.   This idea of updating  different social networks while staying on one had led crossrider to develop extensions that help people to update Facebook and twitter while using Google plus. (cool) For accessing Facebook on Google plus you need to be install this extension.After installing [&hellip


Microsoft teased Gmail in its latest commercial.Microsoft ditched Gmail for non-privacy by scanning emails for providing better advertisements. In its latest commercial created by the Microsoft office 365 team shows off “Gmail Man” the mail delivery guy who delivers mails after reading them.Google soon removed this video from YouTube. Its quite clear that Microsoft started attacking Google Apps in the notion of Privacy and make people to switch to office 365.Lets wait to hear back from Google.   See also: Samsung teases Apple iPad in new commercial


What do you love? Google announced a new website aka what do you love? get all the information about the things that you love from web. The new website provides you the information from all the Google services collectively.The video helps to understand more about what do you love The mashup of information from all Google products including,news,maps,translate,Gmail,books,mobile and 20 more displayed on a single webpage as similar to Qwiki. Like this news ? Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get latest updates


The new Blogger user interface is now available for everyone and you can try this new UI at Early 2011 Google announced the plans for the new Blogger UI and tested it for quite some months.Based on the feedbacks from the users, blogger improved the interface much further and now it was made available for everyone. Still This new interface is available only in draft mode [otherwise Beta in terms of Blogger]. The UI looks cleaner and simple.We played around with this new interface and found some new features. The Homescreen- Shows recent statistics and updates Compose Page- With post settings on the right You can see pageviews on every blog post You change even the default blogger favicon Try at The Interface looks pretty [&hellip