Google chrome has launched the next version of the browser chrome 10 beta now with upgraded V8 engine that provide faster web experience than previous version. New features in Google chrome 10 Beta 1. Speed The new beta version uses the upgraded crankshaft for V8 javascript engine that causes 66% speed upgrade in benchmark suite. 2.Video processing JavaScript engine decreases the CPU usage for video acceleration thus utilizing less CPU for processing video. 3.Options tab Chrome options dialog box is now redesigned as “new tab” Like other tabs you can move the options page.The search bar helps instant searching the options, 4.Syncing password Now you can sync saved passwords with encryption key. 5.URL for options For every item in options has individual page URL’s [&hellip
Google News Archive
Google doodle is up again honoring Thomas alva Edison’s 164th birthday today. Google continues to honor great people every time with an innovative doodle. The doodle contains the great inventions from Edison with the incandescent bulb –one of the greatest invention along with phonograph, kinetoscope with all moving parts depict the lively animation stitched from from 22 jpg images to from single gif file. Google just before three days featured the birthday of jules verne with a special doodle
Google’s new doodle featured today(8/2/2011) to celebrate the 183rd birthday of Jules verne who was the father of Science fiction.To honour Jules verne’s google decorated their home page that mimics his famous book “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the sea” like the submarine portholes. This doodle has the joystick controller at the right corner to control the submarine.This doodle also works on the mobile.The animation is controlled by the accelerameter in the mobile phone and a tilt will change the direction
Google art project new tool from Google is now mimics the street view for indoors. Google art project showcases the famous arts from the great museums and the live view of the galleries help to see around the museums like the street view. Famous artworks from 400 artists are now for the display at the art project website.You can also make the virtual tour inside 17 of the world’s acclaimed museums. From Google blog The Art Project is a collaboration between Google and some of the world’s most acclaimed art museums. Powered by a broad, connected suite of Google technologies, the world’s great works of art and museums are now within reach to an unprecedented global audience. Via (Google blog) 
Everyone know about Egypt’s protest against its president and that followed by internet blackout ,resulting in Egyptian people cant use Facebook,twitter or anything on the internet to communicate. People are trying out different ways to connect internet by trying out proxies of nearby country’s ISP,Google jumped in and found some solution for Egyptian people to stay connected. Speak2Tweet Egyptians can call a telephone number and say their message as voice-mail and it will be posted to twitter as voice tweet.With the help of “Saynow” the company acquired by google recently its now possible to post voice tweets.People call call (+16504194196) or (+390662207294) or (+97316199855) these phone numbers to send a instant voice tweet with #egypt hashtag. ( YouTube’s contribution YouTube too helps world to listen the voice from Egypt protest. From youtube blog Highlighting the latest [&hellip
Google goggles– a visual search product from google gets an version update today.The new version 1.3 is faster and smarter now added with bar code scanner and sudoku solver. Google Goggles is a downloadable image recognition application created by Google Inc. It is currently found in the Google Labs as a beta version. Currently, it is used for searches based on pictures taken by handheld devices. For example taking a picture of a famous landmark would search for information about it, or taking a picture of a product’s barcode will search for information on the product. Updates 1. Bar-code scanner 2.Print Ads 3.Sudoku Want to solve Sudoku ultrafast? then download google goggle app here. see what google goggles can do here