Five new features in Google chrome 10 Beta


February 19, 2011Browsers Google NewsNo comments

Google chrome has launched the next version of the browser chrome 10 beta now with upgraded V8 engine that provide faster web experience than previous version.

New features in Google chrome 10 Beta


1. Speed

chrome v8

The new beta version uses the upgraded crankshaft for V8 javascript engine that causes 66% speed upgrade in benchmark suite.

2.Video processing

JavaScript engine decreases the CPU usage for video acceleration thus utilizing less CPU for processing video.

3.Options tab

chrome options tab

Chrome options dialog box is now redesigned as “new tab” Like other tabs you can move the options page.The search bar helps instant searching the options,

4.Syncing password

Now you can sync saved passwords with encryption key.

chrome encryption

5.URL for options

For every item in options has individual page URL’s





You can easily send the options page using this URLs.


Download chrome 10 beta [here]

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