Google finds way to help Egyptian people


February 1, 2011Google NewsNo comments

Everyone know about Egypt’s protest against its president and that followed by internet blackout ,resulting in Egyptian people cant use Facebook,twitter or anything on the internet to communicate.

People are trying out different ways to connect internet by trying out proxies of nearby country’s ISP,Google jumped in and found some solution for Egyptian people to stay connected.
Egyptians can call a telephone number and say their message as voice-mail and it will be posted to twitter as voice tweet.With the help of “Saynow” the company acquired by google recently its now possible to post voice tweets.People call call (+16504194196) or (+390662207294) or (+97316199855) these phone numbers to send a instant voice tweet with #egypt hashtag.  (

YouTube’s contribution

YouTube too helps world to listen the voice from Egypt protest.

  • Highlighting the latest footage on CitizenTube, our news and politics channel, and inviting people to submit video they’ve come across.
  • Pointing our users directly to these videos through banners at the top of YouTube pages, and through links alongside YouTube videos.
  • Streaming live coverage of Al Jazeera’s broadcasts about the unfolding events, on both their Arabic andEnglish YouTube channels.

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