17 ways to use Google efficiently


Google has been here for so long,All of us are using Google in our daily web life.you search news,videos images etc,You cannot live without it nowadays.But Google is not just an search engine it does have some extra features which you might not used so far.

Here are some 17 useful tips that will be used to search Google so efficiently.


Tip #1



Tip #2




Tip #3



Tip #4



Tip #5



Tip #6



Tip #7



Tip #8



Tip #9



Tip #10



Tip #11



Tip #12



Tip #13



Tip #14



Tip #15



Tip #16



Tip #17


Life is so simple if we had an answering machine which answers everything that you ask like Google.

Looking for simple tips for using Gmail in videos? we have it here

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