Apple Archive

Apple is now the second top tech company in the world, after macintosh apple’s big hit product was iphone and its still making record sales including recent iphone4. (forget about about recent android growth)The revolution apple’s iphone made in this world. See more infographics


We all know apple’s new product iphone4 has got some technical glitch the antenna problem.Yes , the signal bars drop dramatically when its held in a certain way.This is due the poor antenna design on new iphone4 with the antenna being the outer shell of the phone.   Numerous cases have been reported so far and apple responded with a software update to 4.0.1 fixing this issue.But this software update only tweaks the signal display but not solving the problem yet.     Apple finally acknowledged the problem and Steve jobs addressed a press conference on 16th July to discuss the issue. Steve jobs insisted upon that this is not a design flaw,even every phone has certain reception problem on holding it in certain way. [&hellip


Iphone 4 has arrived home two days earlier for some customers.People started uploading their first hands on experience about iphone 4 .I have collected some best unboxing videos.     check our apple iphone 4 reviews.     Some of the features in real-time This YouTube channel has got some real-time videos. iOS walk through by Mashable   Pictures More picture at LoyalMoses blog


Google earth is now available for ipad.This navigation application from google is a remarkable experience as same as like iphone. The new app is versioned as 3.0 you can navigate with your fingers, One finger to move the globe and two fingers to change your viewpoint. a single finger double-tap to zoom in and a two-finger double-tap to zoom out. Google Earth for iPad is one of the best ways yet to experience Google Earth. With the combination of an intuitive touch interface, a large screen, and the snappy A4 processor, you a great new way to explore the globe and share your adventures with your friends. Google Blog post Google earth on  Ipad       The Google earth experience on ipad is nice [&hellip


 The Apple World Wide developers conference abbreviated WWDC is a conference held annually in California.This conference is mainly  for apple to showcase its upcoming technologies and products for its developers.Apple has released major products during this WWDC10 like Mac OS ,Iphone OS,Iphone 3GS and many software updates.Since 1995 Apple also started Apple Design Awards ,is meant to recognize the best and most innovative Macintosh and iPhone OS software and hardware produced by independent developers, as well as the best and most creative uses of Apple’s products. At the beginning of the conference Steve jobs ( CEO of apple) will deliver a Key Note address popularly known as Steve Notes.Check out the video of  his recent presentation at ipad launch. WWDC 2010 WWDC 2010 was announced on [&hellip