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Firefox 4 for mobile devices is released its beta 1 a month ago .Now the Beta2 version of Firefox 4 For mobile is launched with refreshed interface and many improvements in design. The major focus of this release is to increase the performance and responsiveness of the browser..The Firefox mobile team has made several notifiable changes in Beta 2 version .With the installation size in android phone has gone down from 43 MB to 17 MB.Although the application is meant for Android and Maemo(Nokia) devices the Interface of Beta 2 is overhauled to match with the default Android interface. See Firefox 4 for desktop User interface design Beta 2 has got a new start page design . The page rendering is faster in this version [&hellip


This step by step tutorial will help you to disable the USB Storage Devices in your PC .This can be done by Third party software or by simple tweak in Registry Editor . Now I am going to do using Registry Editor . Step 1 :Open Registry Editor Step 2 : Navigate through following Path Regedit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > USBSTOR Step 3: Double Click the Start option Note : By Default , Value is 3 . It means USB Storage Devices are enabled . To disable USB Devices , change the value data to 4 . That’s it , USB Storage devices are Disabled


This Step by Step tutorial will help you to find the installation date of your OS . Step 1: Open the command Prompt We can open the command prompt either by using Windows + R  or Navigating through the Start-> All Programs –>Accessories –>Command Prompt Step 2: Enter Command Now Enter ‘Systeminfo Command’ . Step 3: Now Check the OS Installation Date