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Yahoo’s  popular email application Yahoo Mail gets a major upgrade for iPhone,android,Windows 8 and web version. Marissa Mayer announced this latest upgrades today on its company blog. The new version of yahoo mail is simple clean and has similar features like gmail. Yahoo lost its popularity when gmail was launched few years ago.But now yahoo’s new CEO Marissa Mayer carefully focuses on gaining and retaining customers for its products.  Along with iphone and android versions yahoo announced the windows 8 version and updated web version.Though the web version will be rolled out in few days to all the users


This guide will show you how to copy data from one cloud storage to another .Competition among Cloud storage service companies like Dropbox, Google drive, SkyDrive,Box etc is increasing day by day at rapid rate . To survive in this heavy competition & to increase their user base , Companies are started providing extra facilities to end users (for example recently Dropbox started giving 500MB of space upon each referral , Microsoft upgraded SkyDrive’s storage limit from 7Gb to 25 GB) which is triggering the end users to create a new account for each cloud. But having multiple accounts sometimes may lead to confusion & it’s very difficult to maintain