As per Reuters recent survey , four out of five facebook users have never bought a product or service as a result of advertising . This clearly indicates that most of the people are sick off facebook annoying ads . If you are one among four persons who never bought a product as a result of advertising and feel these ads are annoying to you , then bel0w article will help you out in removing ads from your facebook timeline
Tech Archive
This tutorial will show you how to find out if anyone else is using your facebook account .Recently Google & Dropbox has introduced 2 factor authentication in order to make user’s account more secure and to maintain user’s privacy .Similarly in facebook also, you can make your account secure and maintain your privacy by enabling the login notification

This step by step tutorial will show you how to turn on 2 Factor verification in Gmail which is OFF by default . In my opinion , this feature is very useful for users as it prevents from hacking .Google will ask you for a code , if you try to login from a different location(browsing centre etc) than the one you setup
As you all know , Site loading speed has became one of the factors for Search Engine Ranking . Apart from ranking , it also helps in User experience which affects the bounce rate of the website . There are many tools available online to check your website speed .This tutorial will show you how to integrate MaxCDN with W3 Total Cache plugin .MaxCDN offers “Origin Pull” CDN account which Rackspace Cloud and Amazon cloud front doesn’t
This tutorial will show you how to install Windows 8 as a Virtual Machine . Step 1 : Download the ISO image of windows 8 from It’s around 3 Gb in size . Note : There are two versions available in the website – 32 bit and 64 bit . Step 2: Download the new version of Virtual Box from oracle website . If you are already using older version of virtual box , then upgrade to the new version . Note : Only New version of virtual box supports Windows 8 . Download Link : Step 3: Open Oracle VirtualBox and click new button to create new Windows 8 Virtual Machine . Step 4 : Enter Virtual Box name as Windows8 or [&hellip

Gmail Team did few changes and launched the new look of Gmail on Nov 4 2011 . New look of Gmail contains image icon buttons for tasks like archive, spam, delete etc which is not comfortable for some users like low vision people. This tutorial will show you how to change icon buttons into text format in Gmail inbox