Sync all iOS devices with apple iCloud


June 7, 2011AppleNo comments

In the keynote address today at WWDC 2011 Steve jobs launched the iCloud for iOS devices.The cloud computing service from apple will serve to sync the data from all of your iOS devices like iPhone,iPad and Mac Even for the applications you have downloaded in your iPad will be available on iPhone which you have synced.

iCloud stores your content and wirelessly pushes it to all your devices and thus eliminating the manual sync between your devices.
Using iCloud you can also sync the applications you have downloaded.If you download an app for iPhone and if you need to use the same app on iPad you don’t have to download the app one more time,instead iCloud can help you push the application to your device.So buy the app once and use it on any of your devices.

iCloud can be used for the automatic backup of your data like documents,apps,music,photos etc..
iTunes on the Cloud:
Download the music from iTunes and you can hear the song instantly on the other devices as well.That’s one copy/download for all your devices.

iCloud is free ,will be available on iOS 5 version and you will get 5GB worth of cloud space which doesn’t include photo streams,books,music and apps space in this 5GB.It means quite unlimited storage.
iTunes match:
This is the application to sync up all your existing music library from iTunes to the cloud.This is just different from other music streaming application like Google music as instead of uploading entire music library to the cloud this application scans the music in your device and matches with that of iTunes store so you don’t need to upload all the songs to the cloud.

iTunes match costs $24.99 for all your songs and there is no limit on number of songs you have.
Image Courtesy: Engadget

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