[How to] Copy data from one cloud storage to another

This guide will show you how to copy data from one cloud storage to another .

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Competition among Cloud storage service companies like Dropbox, Google drive, SkyDrive,Box etc is increasing day by day  at rapid rate . To survive in this heavy competition & to increase their user base , Companies are started providing extra facilities to end users (for example recently Dropbox started giving 500MB of space upon each referral , Microsoft upgraded SkyDrive’s storage limit from 7Gb to 25 GB)  which is triggering the end users to create a new account for each cloud. But having multiple accounts sometimes may lead to confusion & it’s very difficult to maintain .

Sign up here for free 2GB space in Dropbox : http://db.tt/KUcNY7iM

To overcome these kind of confusions , Choose any one Cloud storage service where you can have all your all cloud data at one place instead of having data at separate place . I personally preferred Dropbox as destination as i am having 9GB of storage .

Also Check :

How to copy data from one cloud storage to another :

Step 1 : After choosing your favourite storage service , Go to https://mybackupbox.com/ and sign up for free account .In free account , you can transfer 1GB of data at a time and Max 10 transfers per month .

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Step 2 : After signing up , choose your source cloud from where you are going to retrieve all your data .

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Step 3: Similarly as previous step , Choose your destination where you are going to copy the data .

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Step 4: Finally after connecting both source and destination cloud , Click Transfer now to transfer from source to destination .

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Note :  Data will not be transferred until unless your email ID is activated .

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Step 5 : To know your transfer’s completion status , Click “Transfers” menu  and Check the status .

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Step 6 : That’s it done ! Thanks for visiting our blog !!

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