Digg new look w/screenshots


July 1, 2010Tech NewsNo comments

Popular news sharing website digg.com will be launching its new design soon.They are already in the alpha testing phase.I got the invite for testing the digg’s new interface , see what’s new in this fresh interface.

new digg

As I logged into http://new.digg.com , it showed up some top user profiles that I can follow of my interest.(I think this follow like feature is taken from twitter)

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After then it lets you connect with your facebook,twitter and Gmail friends.

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And finally the the dash board of digg shows up.

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The home page is some what related to twitter.It shows the stories dugg by your friends and their top posts.There is a “top news” link at the header which provides the global news and the top digged story at the moment globally.

Adding a new link is easier than the old digg.Just paste the URL,the description and image  will load automatically.Now this thing is from facebook add link feature or similar to that.

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The famous top navigation is gone,all the news categories are in left sidebar.

I saw a new feature when I clicked settings > ”Import feeds”.Yes! You can add your site feed to digg so that every time you dont need to post the article manually.

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If you have seen digg’s new interface.will it survive amidst of twitter and facebook ?Share your opinion.

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