Blogger to get design overhaul the popular blogging platform owned by Google is getting the complete design overhaul this year and now it showed us the new interface at Sxswi conference at Texas.

Blogger was the popular blogging platform around the world because of the simplicity that everyone can blog without knowing much about the programming.Around millions of blogger blogs are available including this one.I still love Blogger as it doesn’t require any skills to setup and its available in 50 languages .
Sxsw Interactive conference is the place for tech startups to launch their services to attract the global audience and its more like a launch board for tech companies.
Blogger’s new Interface was cleaner and simple that was optimized for modern browsers.The new one is built using the Google Web Kit a layout engine designed for web browsers to render web pages.Google chrome browser was built using web kit.
New Dashboard design
Compose new post 
A new feature added to blogger was “Content discovery” which you can see the related articles to the one you are reading.

Navbar-Content discovery

This is just a preview and more features will be announced once it is launched.If you like this new blooger interface share a word with us.
via(Google blog)

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