Google have upgraded the image search with a new concept similar to Google goggles.Now you can upload images to Google and search the images similar to yours, Google search engine will find the closest match to your image from the web and displays it. Steps to Google search by image Goto If you use modern browser like chrome you can easily drag images in your computer and drop in the search bar. For other browsers you will find a camera icon at the right end of the search bar.Click the camera icon and you will get upload image option. Choose file and then click search. You can also enter the image URL to search the similar image. Download a browser extension for Google [&hellip
Google News Archive
Google chrome 12 stable version has been released recently after the beta release.The new stable version adds several new features and also removed some. The version number of this stable version is 12.0.742.91. The new features added in chrome 12 1.App search The Omni box now shows the search results including the apps installed. 2. PDF print/save option in reader 3.Delete option for flash cookies 4.Sync settings integrated to pages 5. Hardware acceleration for 3D css See sample 6. New Warning message for MAC users 7. Malicious file download warning 8.Google gears will be removed as its work is done by HTML 5. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get latest and live updates about Google
The most popular mobile game Angry birds which topped the charts for long time is now available as online version so that everyone can play angry birds without having a smartphone or tablet. Rovio-the makers of this addictive game said on Google IO 2011,the game will be available online from today in chrome web-store which also means the game can also be accessed via other browsers too. is the URL where we can play the online version of angry birds.The web version is built using the Web GL.The other good news is that the game is free to access. You can play the game even when you are not connected to internet since the app uses the offline storage feature.This is one of the greatest move [&hellip
Google Music– cloud based music streaming service was announced at Google IO conference 2011 at San Fransisco. Google music is a cloud music player which allow you to upload music up-to 20,000 songs for free and stream it anywhere across the device in a neat UI.Upload a song or create playlist and its instantly available in all the devices you access. Features of Google Music Recently played songs are available even offline. You can upload songs or sync the iTunes playlist to your online library. Like iTunes genius- Google music will mix up songs to create instant playlists. Google music is currently in Beta and available for uses in US upon invitation.Apply for an invite here. Google music player is built using Flash [ipad/iphone devices wont work] Along with this Google also announced Movie rentals [&hellip
Google is the primary source of internet search world wide and everyday millions of people search internet through Google.There are number of ways people can get to know the statistics of number of searches, Google’s new search visualization “Search Globe” provides the real time visualization of Google searches happening around the world. Search Globe As far I could remember the real time globe similar to the one showed in “60 minutes” about Google show in CBS. This Search globe is an opensource application which you can download the code to build your own globe with your data.This application uses Web GL that is supported on modern browsers.See World population growth using the same Web GL. Download code and start building web GL apps
Google translate – the translation engine that help translating web pages,words,sentences in almost any combination.Currently Google translate supports 57 different languages. Google translate is a best one because it provides the translation as well as the noun,adjective,interjection words and alternate translation of your input.For this conversion the translation engine should have processed over billions of words and their usage. In a series of how Google products work we saw how Google maps work and this time we look into Google translate. The process is simple in Google translate.Instead of we teaching the grammatical rules to the engine they have programmed such that it learns the grammatical rules by itself by pattern matching. Do you like Google translate?share your thoughts