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This tutorial will help you to hide any drive in your system . Step 1 : Open the Run Window . Go to Start -> Run or click Windows button + R Enter Gpedit.msc Step 2: Click User Configuration On the right side of Group Policy Window , Click User Configuration . Step 3 :  Navigate Through Administrative Template –>Windows Component->Windows Explorer Step 4 : Double Click on  ‘ Hide these Specified drives in My Computer’ . Step 5 : Change the attributes . * You can restrict any drives . * Choose Enabled Option . Step 6 : Output That’s it . Done . Here we have hided only one drive ( D:) . Follow Us @ Twitter Facebook Fan Page


India Mobile developer summit 2010 is organised by MODS(mobile developer summit) an conference and expo on mobile application development . The summit focusses on android application development and cross platform mobile development . As of now 25 sessions on app development have been scheduled,The conference will be held on november 10 2010 at bangalore.If you are an app developer you can submit your creative app to get featured visit to find the detailed schedules and session details For all the mobile developers in India its a must watch event


Nokia unvieled three new phones in Nokia world 2010 conference. Nokia C,E7,C7 are three new symbian 3 phones .Nokia striving hard to compete against the growth of Android and apple in the smartphone market.According to Nokia ,it sells 260,000 phones per day.It was amazing to see that Nokia sells most number of phones in a day when compared to the competitors       Nokia C7     C7 is a social networking centric smartphone with 3.5inch AMOLED screen display with a stainless steel and glass combination.The homescreen has one touch access for facebook,twitter and Email accounts.Estimated 335 Euros.     Nokia C6     C6 -01 is a little smaller one with 3.2 Inch AMOLEDdisplay with same aspects for social networking phones.     Nokia [&hellip


The Junk E-mail Reporting Tool lets you directly report junk e-mail to Microsoft and its affiliates for analysis to help us improve the effectiveness of our junk e-mail filtering technologies. Overview: The Junk E-mail Reporting Tool submits e-mail to Microsoft when you explicitly choose to do so. If you receive a junk e-mail and want to report it to us for analysis, first select the e-mail in Outlook and then click the Report Junk e-mail button on your tool bar


To compose mail , we usually go to and click the compose tab . This is useful when we compose one or two mail in a day .But what if we have to compose many mails at a time . For bulk  emails , we can use simple trick . Step1 :Go to computer desktop and right click in the empty area of the desktop and then select new->shortcut as shown below . Step 2: Now copy and paste following link in new shortcut box. Step 3: Next give shortcut name for composing mails . That’s it . Now we can compose many mails at a time through Desktop shortcut