Tech Archive

Facebook – A social networking site started by a Hacker, who is reported of peeping into private data in his university. Now, do you think your data on facebook is safe? Is your data safe? If you think “no”, then you’ve to wait for Diaspora. And what’s diaspora? It is believed to be the open source alternative to facebook. This project is initiated by four young programmers from Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, New York. I initially thought that it will be a replica of facebook with it’s code open, but actually it has quite more to do. Diaspora is actually a personal web server that will put individuals in control of their own data. The founders of this project explain Diaspora as “The privacy [&hellip


Many times we are forced to use Internet Explorer since some sites are not designed for all browser. To get rid of this, here is an interesting extension called IETab for Firefox. This extension is also available for Flock, Google Chrome and Seamonkey browsers. This extension allows the users to view a site using the Internet Explorer Layout engine. It may be useful for viewing pages that work only on IE without exiting the browser. But this doesn’t mean that you aren’t using IE, actually you are using it indirectly as a tab in firefox. and hence this extension is  available only for Windows. The cookies and history will be stored in IE as if you were using IE. This extension is now improved as [&hellip


HTML 5 – the next major version of HTML standard.This new version comprises adding video element,drag drop,canvas feature,geo location and many more out standing features to the standard HTML. The new version currently under development and the developers have already started developing HTML 5 applications for mobile and web standards. As the first step in HTML5 app development, You need to check the compatibility of your browser whether it is ready for HTML 5.While some browsers support more HTML 5 features than others [ see comparison ] To test whether your browser is HTML 5  ready visit HTML 5 Test  website on your browser you wish to search.This simple on screen web app will test the HTML5 support in your browser and calculates the score [&hellip