Is your browser html 5 ready ? how to test

HTML 5 – the next major version of HTML standard.This new version comprises adding video element,drag drop,canvas feature,geo location and many more out standing features to the standard HTML.

The new version currently under development and the developers have already started developing HTML 5 applications for mobile and web standards.

As the first step in HTML5 app development, You need to check the compatibility of your browser whether it is ready for HTML 5.While some browsers support more HTML 5 features than others [ see comparison ]

To test whether your browser is HTML 5  ready visit HTML 5 Test  website on your browser you wish to search.This simple on screen web app will test the HTML5 support in your browser and calculates the score out of 300. The beta version of this app now tests for 315 points.html5

Score chart out of 300pt:

  • Chrome (dev channel)  – 217 points ,10 bonus points
  • Chrome (Beta channel) -  197 points,7 bonus points
  • Safari 5.01 – 208 points , 6 bonus points
  • Firefox 4 beta 2 – 189 points , 9 bonus points
  • Opera 10.6 – 159 points , 7 bonus points
  • Internet Explorer 9 – 84 points , 1 bonus point

Test your browser for html5 compatibility and share your scores.

Via- Wired

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