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Opera -widely used mobile browser all over the world has launched its next version of browser for all kind of mobile devices and tablets.Opera Mobile 11 and Opera mini 6 the newly released versions are available for major platforms Android,Symbian,Windows phone7,blackberry,Java and Meego. Opera is now available for almost 3000 devices that includes smartphones,feature phones and Tablet PCs.The 100 million mobile user base was now biggest among all. March raining with new browsers, Opera’s launch was termed just two days after Firefox 4 was released and not to mention IE9 was released a week before.The point to note here is that the latter browsers are not available for smartphones yet and that’s where opera is proven a winner.     what’s new in Opera mobile [&hellip


Google chrome has launched the next version of the browser chrome 10 beta now with upgraded V8 engine that provide faster web experience than previous version. New features in Google chrome 10 Beta   1. Speed The new beta version uses the upgraded crankshaft for V8 javascript engine that causes 66% speed upgrade in benchmark suite. 2.Video processing JavaScript engine decreases the CPU usage for video acceleration thus utilizing less CPU for processing video. 3.Options tab Chrome options dialog box is now redesigned as “new tab” Like other tabs you can move the options page.The search bar helps instant searching the options, 4.Syncing password Now you can sync saved passwords with encryption key. 5.URL for options For every item in options has individual page URL’s [&hellip


Notepad++ is a popular open source word processing tool.One main advantage of Notepad++ over the Windows text editor Notepad, is tabbed editing, to easily work with multiple open files.Notepad++ is a must have tool for every programmer using windows OS.Notepad++ offers handy features like IDE for the faster programming


Google came up with a new feature for Gmail in chrome browser,Chat and Email notification.From now one can get chat notification or a new email notification on their desktops even if the browser is minimized.This is a HTML 5 feature.Now one can get notification similar to what they get with GTalk.Chat notification feature can be enabled if you login into GMail from Chrome browser