How to create skype like text effect using photoshop

In this short tutorial we are going to learn how to recreate Skype logo like text effect using photoshop.

Step 1:

Create a new document of your desired size and select  dark background. Arial Rounded MT bold font is used for text

step-1-How to create skype like text effect


Step 2:

Select the Text layer press CTRL +T and decrease the Horizontal character spacing to -100.This will shrink the text width.

step-2-How to create skype like text effect

step-3-How to create skype like text effect

Step 3:

Right click the text layer -> Blending options->stroke select the size to 40 px  and color #00aff0 or you may choose filltype->gradient and then select blue gradient from the list.

step-3-How to create skype like text effect

Download the Gradient here

step-5-How to create skype like text effect

Step 4

Select Inner shadow and set opacity to 60% Then click Ok

step-6-How to create skype like text effect

Final Image

step-7-How to create skype like text effect

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One Response to “How to create skype like text effect using photoshop”
  1. Balamurugan M

    Good one.:-)

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