How to create iOS 5 like texture using photoshop


December 3, 2011Photoshop1 Comment

One of the best aspects of iOS 5 is the UI,the new user interface sports very nice background image that mimics the cloth texture.This texture suits well with for frond end design and gives a rich UI tone.Let us see how to design the iOS 5 like cloth texture using photoshop.

ios5 texture

Step 1 : Create new Photoshop document of your favorite size.Select the color #767676 from the color pallete and apply it as background.

Step2 : Create a new layer and name it as ‘layer-horizontal’ and fill the layer with white color.Now select Filter->Noise->add noise and select 60% noise

ios5 texture using photoshop-1

Step 3: Create a new layer and name it as ‘layer-vertical’ and fill the layer with white color.Now select Filter->Noise->add noise and select 70% noise.

Step 4: Select the ‘layer-horizontal’ and do filter->blur->Motion blur and select ‘0’ degrees and distance 60 pixels.

ios5 texture using photoshop-3

Step 5 : Select the ‘layer-horizontal’ and do filter->blur->Motion blur and select ’90’ degrees and distance 60 pixels.

Now zoom to the actual pixel size to get the awesome iOS5 like texture.You can use this to create backgrounds for your webpage or designs.

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One Response to “How to create iOS 5 like texture using photoshop”
  1. Technik

    I just placed this as my iOS background, and I noticed that the official iOS pattern was slightly darker. If you want to get the exact look, just darken it afterward, or start out with a darker color. Otherwise, awesome.

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