April fools day pranks on the web


April 2, 2011Google NewsNo comments

April fool pranks are all set wild this time as many tech companies started announcing the new offers and products to fool the users a while.


Its usual that Google pranks users on every April 1 about doing extraordinary things that’s hard to believe and result in confusion among the readers.Here is a list of April fools day pranks by the tech companies

Google Motion:

No longer need keyboard and mouse to access Gmail and Google docs all the operations are just a gesture away.Controlling Gmail from bodily gestures was really funny prank.


Google Auto completer

Google posted job vacancies link “we are hiring auto completers”  for new role in Mountain view.People believed it true until they saw the requirement section for that job which asks us to type 35000 words per minute(funny ?)


Google comic sans

Google announced today that all Google products will now use comic sans font.I was shocked before i realise its a prank.Try searching "comic sans" and “helvetica” in goggle.

google comic sans

Google Cow

Google body browser today was replaced by cow.

google cow


Google voice team showed their part in April fools day by announcing a new voicealyzer which prompts you to type correct spelling for the words if it finds you are not in a state to call.



Chromercise helps you to exercise your fingers to strengthen hand strength and dexterity for typing fast.

Real-World Sightings  in Google Earth and Maps


Other than google many first timers also taken April fool’s day marketing

Piratebay’s new logo on April1


Pirate bay announced that it successfully auctioned eBay in their own site.


Linked in

Linked-in’s “people you may know” featured some extraordinary suggestions.

linked in prank

Recommended read : Google april fools day pranks for 2010

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