How to : Save Gmail Attachments directly to Google Docs


October 27, 2011TipsNo comments

Have you ever thought of saving mail documents directly to Google Docs ? Do you think it is possible ? Let me tell you currently Gmail is not offering this facility . At present ,if you want to save the mail document then first you have to open it in Google docs and you have to save manually@Google Docs .

This process is usually ok for one or two documents .But what if you have hundred’s of documents and you want to save@Google Docs ?Definitely it would become Cumbersome process if you try to save more number of mail documents .

To Overcome this issue , you can try for Google Chrome Extension Gmail Attachments To Docs . After installing this extension , log in into your Gmail account  & find the difference as below .

Before Installing Extension :

After Installing Extension :

When you  click “Save to Docs” option , it would be saved@ Google docs & below message is displayed .

To Verify , you can check your Google Docs .

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