Youtube turns 5!


May 18, 2010Tech NewsNo comments

youtube Youtube is now 5 years old, stared with a simple mission that anyone can easily upload videos and share them.Today it turned out to be biggest video service that grows as ever imagined


Youtube’s founders Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim (who were all early employees of PayPal ) developed a flash based video sharing website called You tube.Due to the overwhelming response Google made a deal to buy Youtube for 1.65 Billion dollars. After then YouTube will operate independently, "to preserve" its user community and its brand



To celebrate 5 years of YouTube ,The site launched a campaign called “My Youtube story “ with that you can share your experience on YouTube. Also with that campaign a new channel has been launched . The channel also hosts an interactive timeline containing some of the most important moments of YouTube


Prior to this YouTube’s blog post say that

YouTube exceeds over two billion views a day. That’s nearly double the prime-time audience of all three major U.S. television networks combined.


Some most interesting statistics of YouTube over these five incredible years.

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