How to : Install VLC on Ubuntu 11.10 and Set as a default application

This post will show you how to install VLC on Ubuntu 11.10 and how to set it as a default application .

Level : Beginners

How to Install VLC media player on Ubuntu 11.10 :

By default , Movie player is installed for video and Banshee is installed for Music . But you can install VLC media player through code in Ubuntu 11.10.

To install VLC , run the following commands through terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/vlc

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install vlc mozilla-plugin-vlc

How to set as a Default one :

Go to Control Gear (which is in top right corner ) and Navigate through System settings-> Sysinfo . Click ‘Default applications’  and change options accordingly .

Before : 

After :

2 Responses to “How to : Install VLC on Ubuntu 11.10 and Set as a default application”
  1. Mezgrman

    When I do that, the default player is still the old one… help 🙁

  2. Neli S Gautham Raj

    How come ?? Its very simple .Pls try again !!

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