Google April fool day pranks 2010


April 1, 2010Google NewsNo comments


Goggle April fool day 2010 pranks list is out , and its official.Some of the ideas are really hilarious and some are real too.

check its 2009 version [update: 2011 version too ]

1. Google changed its name to Topeka.

Topeka is a city in Kansas recently changed its name to “Google” (yeah) to show its interest in getting the Google’s high speed internet service.To give a favour in turn Google today changes its name to “Topeka

Effective 1AM (CDT) on April 1, 2010, Google’s name has officially been changed to “Topeka.”


2.Youtube – Video in ASCII

Youtube introduces a new TEXTp mode which displays video in the form of text.Thereby saving the bandwidth consumed by videos.It saves 1$ per second too.
youtube textp


3.Google vowels

Google removed all the vowels in the text it shows today. Including its logo Its called Disemvoweling

google text

4.Google – Animal thought translator

animal thought translator
Translate what animals think-A combination of voice search in google

5.Google street view in 3D

Google street view and maps gets a functionality of viewing the maps in 3d mode.

6.Google voicemail mode


Some other ideas fooled out (may be)

7.Store anything in Google docs [physically]

8.Google Annotations gallery

9. Japanese Input methods

watch this page for further updates from google april fool day pranks.

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