Recently new version of Handbrake ie 0.9.6 was released . In this post , we will go through some of the new features and Handbrake installation process in Ubuntu 11.10. Before we start , For Newbies , Handbrake is an Open-source , Multithreaded video transcoder . Apart from that , Handbrake is portable with MAC, Windows and Linux .
There are many new changes done in 0.9.6 version. Some of them are :
a) Support for VLC or System default video player
b) New Advanced audio option section for gain and audio track names .
c) Minor Tweaks and Enhancements
To know more about 0.6 version , go through the below link .
To know more about Handbrake features :
How to Install :
Open the terminal and run the following commands :
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install handbrake-gtk