Develop android apps without writing code


July 16, 2010AndroidNo comments

Building a complex mobile application using android involves a lot of coding to do.But what can be a newbie developer can do without knowing much about android?

Google Introduced App Inventor tool to develop android mobile application without knowing any programming.Sounds cool isn’t it? Just like you develop .NET application you have an IDE full of app controls available with drag and drop feature.This video explains about the app inventor for android.

app inventor

app inventor

App Inventor is a Web application that runs in a browser.You can connect your android phone to the computer to see the real time view of the application.

app inventor

app inventor

The simple drag and drop function is understandable for everyone .

So how to get started?

go to , currently this web application is available only on invite.You can request an invite here

see some basic apps developed using app inventor.

Using app inventor is different from using a emulator, You can build live apps on the go.You can use phone’s full functionality.

app inventor for android

app inventor for android

Google tries to compete huge apps in apple app store this time by targeting non developers too.

Developer Link

Getting started

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