Google News Archive

Today 50 years back on  April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin was the first human to journey into outer space and Google never forgets to put up the doodle for this/every historical event. This doodle animates the rocket moves up into the air with “yuri gagarin- the russian cosmonaut ” at the bottom.This wasn’t Google’s first animated doodle as nowadays google doodles are made of HTML5 and css3. Hover the mouse over the logo to see the movement of spacecraft. Yuri gagarin unfortunately died in a accident when the rocket carrying him blasted at baikonur cosmodrome during a training. See also :Google’s under the sea doodle for Jules verne


Google search results are tweaked once more to accommodate the crowd sourced search page. Google +1 is a new button to be placed at the side of each Google result when you know the site was relevant to your search and if you liked it you may click the +1 to recommend that page to your friends  who search for similar query. In other words its logically similar to the “up-voting/liking”  the results. Google is finding new ways to fight search spam and to make the search results to be more relevant.In a recent move google updated the algorithm to curb the content farms to improve the quality.The new Google+1 feature has to prove itself to be popular or in other words Google have to wait to [&hellip


April fool pranks are all set wild this time as many tech companies started announcing the new offers and products to fool the users a while.   Its usual that Google pranks users on every April 1 about doing extraordinary things that’s hard to believe and result in confusion among the readers.Here is a list of April fools day pranks by the tech companies Google Motion: No longer need keyboard and mouse to access Gmail and Google docs all the operations are just a gesture away.Controlling Gmail from bodily gestures was really funny prank.   Google Auto completer Google posted job vacancies link “we are hiring auto completers”  for new role in Mountain view.People believed it true until they saw the requirement section for that [&hellip


Google street view – technology used in Google maps and Google earth providing the real-time 360 degree navigation to the places.The street view navigation has got updated recently with the neat UI.Street view was initially launched in United states and now available in all seven continents with all historical places got covered. As Google updated the street view interface they also described how the street view images are made and the technology used to create. How Google creates street view? Google captures the images from the special camera placed at the top of street view car which captures the images on the move.The on-board GPS sensors perfectly geo tags the pictures with the current location.Then the images are stitched together as 360 degree panoramas. Google [&hellip

Read More... the popular blogging platform owned by Google is getting the complete design overhaul this year and now it showed us the new interface at Sxswi conference at Texas. Blogger was the popular blogging platform around the world because of the simplicity that everyone can blog without knowing much about the programming.Around millions of blogger blogs are available including this one.I still love Blogger as it doesn’t require any skills to setup and its available in 50 languages . Sxsw Interactive conference is the place for tech startups to launch their services to attract the global audience and its more like a launch board for tech companies. Blogger’s new Interface was cleaner and simple that was optimized for modern browsers.The new one is built using the Google Web Kit a layout engine [&hellip


Google profiles are the bio pages for every Google account user, Google redesigned the layout of these profile pages that resembles the Facebook profile page with similar layout.Probably many wouldn’t have used or seen these profile pages even these profiles appear on Google search results. For viewing the new profile pages visit and start using it.You can set the pictures on your profile like Facebook.[google blog] Google recently redesigned their nav bar with the clean and sleek layout