Technology behind google street view

Google street view – technology used in Google maps and Google earth providing the real-time 360 degree navigation to the places.The street view navigation has got updated recently with the neat UI.Street view was initially launched in United states and now available in all seven continents with all historical places got streetviews

As Google updated the street view interface they also described how the street view images are made and the technology used to create.

How Google creates street view?

Google captures the images from the special camera placed at the top of street view car which captures the images on the move.The on-board GPS sensors perfectly geo tags the pictures with the current location.Then the images are stitched together as 360 degree panoramas.

Street View Car

Google self driving cars are evident for the technology they use in cars.

The recent version of the street view car has the camera with fifteen lenses pointing to all the direction for creating 360o images.The integrated computer stores the images in hard disk and the laser device captures the 3D data simultaneously.

These cars can capture all the images on the road but not other than that.For this purpose google has several other vehicles to capture the images.

Street View Trike

Trike – Tricycles will be used for places which can’t be navigated by cars



Street View Snowmobile

Snowmobile- Street view vehicle for snow mountains


Street View Trolley

Street view trolleys for Museums and indoors


All these are ways to collect images,after that the images are stitched together to form the unified one.

One stitched photo of the eight individual photos

When you drop the “pegman” on any place on earth,Google will show the nearest panorama image.Also if you navigate through the image you will be shifted to another image based on the direction you moved through and this will be based on the data collected from the laser sensors.

Currently the street navigation is available in the areas mentioned in the map

street view availability

More detailed information [see here]

Try Google street view to see the most important places

Is Google street view car coming to your city ? check for update

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