Google Archive

Google IO 2011 was very popular among developers.Two day event was filled with android and chrome announcements. YouTube live streamed all the sessions on two separate YouTube channels since the huge popularity that this event has created caused the tickets to sell out within minutes


Google chrome OS netbook newly termed as chromebooks was launched at Google IO 2011 after announcing the next android versions on day 1.The chrome OS which was shown earlier was codenamed with CR-48 which was sent out to developers to test the OS .Now chrome OS finds the manufacturers called “samsung” and “acer” to build their first ever chrome OS notebooks called “ChromeBooks&#


Google came up with a new feature for Gmail in chrome browser,Chat and Email notification.From now one can get chat notification or a new email notification on their desktops even if the browser is minimized.This is a HTML 5 feature.Now one can get notification similar to what they get with GTalk.Chat notification feature can be enabled if you login into GMail from Chrome browser