Tech Archive

    Wikipedia worlds largest online encyclopaedia has updated its design and minor change to its logo.This change is aimed to increase the usability further.   Here’s what’s new: Look and feel: We’ve introduced a new theme we call “Vector” which makes essential functions easier to find. Navigation: Improved  navigation for reading and editing pages. Now, the tabs at the top of each page more clearly define whether you’re reading or editing a page. There’s also a collapsible navigation for the left sidebar that hides items that aren’t used often, but allows them to continue to be easily accessible. Editing improvements:  Now, formatting pages is simpler and more intuitive with tables, Find and replace functionality Link wizard: An easy-to-use tool allows you to add links [&hellip


While the race for the world’s fastest browser is still on ,Google says Chrome browser is the fastest one.Have you ever wanted to test that ? yeah they have demonstrated how fast the browser works.       This video shows how fast the chrome browser loads when the user enters a website URL and hits Enter”.The beta version of chrome 5 was released this week, The new browser version is checked with various bench mark tests. Chrome’s performance has improved by as much as 305%   Want to know technical description of this video, visit Youtube channel and click the video’s description drop down menu. Another video that tells chrome’s speed. (creative ad)   If you like these kind of videos, You may check [&hellip


  Google came down by the power of Gravity .Sound’s crazy isn’t it? Google Gravity  is a chrome browser experiment created by Hi Res.       This browser testing experiment implemented by  Javascript and box2d-js (Physics Engine for JavaScript) Give it a try   Try to play with the elements and give a search query and hit enter..   The same javascript effect is used in Some creative examples of this javascript can be found at  [ Link ]  [ Link ] Have you found box2d.js being implemented elsewhere? share it via comments Official  site


    Creative way to compare the speeds of the browsers like chrome,safari,Firefox,opera and internet explorer. Google’s chrome stands out the fastest browser and its my favourite one because of its super fast loading of pages.       Via:TinyPic How Chrome stands out different from other browsers? There are lot of features to say


Firefox 4.0 Windows theme mockups are released by Mozilla.The new design emphasizes various UI developments which makes web browsing very comfortable. Early Screenshots for firefox 4.0  Firefox 4.0 – Windows Mock up Firefox 4.0 Design has undergone many changes so far  Firefox 3.7  now Windows UI. See Firefox 4 For mobile 1. Overview  The main UI changes in 4.0 is focussed on easy Interaction with the browser tabs and address bar.  2. Buttons The menu bar buttons is replaced by buttons [ occupies less space ] 3. App Button  The app button is inspired by Microsoft office 2010 design. 4.Configurations Firfox 4.0 has some configurations planned for certain uses With BookMarks Bar:  Tabs Under Notification bar: Tabs Under the Navigation bar with bookmarks bar: Comparison with [&hellip


A time line of web browsers from the early 1990s to the present.Browsers from Nexes(1991) to chrome(2009) all arranged in a graphic time line,along with their versions . In addition , the major release dates are explained in tables. Click to see larger  article source : [click here ] Want to know the internet’s best 22 web browsers?? [ click here