Banshee 1.7.6 is Released

Banshee 1.7.6 is Released .This new release is mostly a bug fix release.

  • Decrease the latency in changing playback volume
  • Begin editing the name of newly added playlists

  • Put all videos in the video folder on MTP devices
Notable Bug Fixes (26 fixed since 1.7.5!)
  • bgo#629314: [AppleDevice] Correct capacity/free values
  • bgo#628992: [AppleDevice]Bundle libgpod-sharp.dll.config fixing crash
  • bgo#628832: [MTP] Fix MTP-device memory issues breaking Playlists, Albums
  • bgo#629095: [MTP] Fix MTP devices being named ‘???’
  • bgo#629373: [MTP] Workaround MTP sigsegv bug


For ubuntu 10.04 Lucid lynx and 10.10 Maverick Meerkat:

Open terminal and enter the following commands:

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:banshee-team/ppa
  2. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install banshee


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