Convert your Ubuntu 11.10 into Mac OS X Lion

This tutorial will explain the instructions to install the Mac OS X Lion theme in Ubuntu 11.10/Oneiric Ocelot.

Step 1:  Install Cursors

Open the terminal and run the following commands :

sudo tar -xzvf Mac-Lion-Cursors.tar.gz -C /usr/share/icons

Step 2:  Download the Mac OS theme

Next step is to download Mac Os theme and copy into .themes folder . If you already have .themes folder , then dont execute first command .

mkdir ~/.themes
tar -xzvf Mac-Lion-Theme.tar.gz -C ~/.themes

Step 3: Install Mac Icons

This is same as previous step .Copy the icons into .icon folder . If you already have .icon folder , then dont execute first command.

mkdir ~/.icons
tar -xzvf Mac-Lion-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.icons

Step 4: Install GNOME Tweak tool

To install GNOME Tweak tool , run the following commands in terminal :

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

In Gnome Tweak tool / Advanced settings , change settings under theme tab as below :

Cursor theme > Mac-Lion-Cursors
Icon theme > Mac-Lion-Icons
GTK+ theme > Mac-Lion-Theme
Window theme > Mac-Lion-Theme

Result :

7 Responses to “Convert your Ubuntu 11.10 into Mac OS X Lion”
  1. dewinn

    My tweak tool (advanced settings) doesn’t “see” the mac theme as one of the possibilities.

    I followed the instructions and alternatively pasted the extracted folders in the themes folder (usr/share..) by using the nautilus command. This doesn’t seem to help…

  2. Neli S Gautham Raj

    Can you please try again ? It worked for me .. !! Otherwise it might be due to problem in package .I will check and let you know . But from you side , just try once .

  3. Ian McLean

    Looks absolutely nothing like Lion, but nice tutorial nonetheless.

  4. SAM

    How can I install Mac OS theme for LinuxMint 12

  5. Geust

    Thats terrible.

  6. yanyan

    buttons didn’t get the exact mac os style :\

  7. swag face

    hae i was wondering how to undo this??

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