Google celebrates your birthday


October 20, 2010Google NewsNo comments

Google celebrates every occassion and famous days with  a new doodle at homepage.Not just on occassions your birthday is important for them too.Google will celebrate your birthday with a special doodle.You will see a personalised doodle on your birthday(sign in required).When you click that doodle,you will be redirected to the profile page of yours.

A Birthday Surprise  : Because doodles are such a fun part of the search experience, we thought we’d share a fun little way Google will help celebrate your birthday. When you include your date of birth on your Google profile, you may notice a special treat on the Google homepage on your birthday (be sure to sign in). Click on the doodle for another birthday surprise! Google blog post

 If you wanted to test this feature,Go to your profile and click ‘edit profile’ and select ‘contact info’ and change your birthday to today’s date and save the form.Now your profile page will show the birthday effects.(The doodle on google birthday will show only on your original birthday).

Thanks to the creative Google doodle team.

Via : Google

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