Microsoft launches Windows Phone 7 for Mobiles

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer launched Windows phone 7 series for mobile at World Mobile congress in Barcelona.Windows 7 phone is a fresh operating system for Mobile.


 See the Launch event in pictures

Windows Phone 7 will bring together Xbox LIVE games and the Zune music and video experience on a mobile phone.


  • Windows phone 7 has extra hardware buttons to facilitate Bing search on single click.
  • Hardware partners include Qualcomm, LG, Samsung, HP, HTC, Toshiba, Garmin Asus, Sony Ericsson, and Dell.
  • Phones will be available by 2010 Holiday, Manufacturers had already started manufacturing.

1.Home screen

Home screen or Start is customised with live tiles to show web updates.

windows-phone-7-start-screen2.People Hub

It is the communication central People hub lets you see photos and live feeds from special networks. 

homescreen-windows- phone-7

3.Game Hub

First time XBOX is integrated into windows mobile phone


4.Office on Windows phone 7

Office hub provides Office mobile,SharePoint,one note features

windows-phone-7-officescreen mobile-excel



OfficeWord_phone 7

5.Music Hub

Music central to video videos and podcasts


6.Browser on Windows phone 7



7.Picture Hub

windows-7-phone-picture hub

windows phone 7




What it doesn’t have

  • It doesn’t have Desktop syncing app
  • Contacts cannot be synced to computer

ballmer-mwc-windows-mobile-7 Ballmer launches Win phone 7

HTCPureATT_web HTC pure from AT & T



See more about Windows 8 

More views at Microsoft

Links [ video that goes behind the scenes,Windows Phone 7 Series web site,Windows Phone on Twitter,Windows Phone channel on You Tube, Windows Phone on the Microsoft News Centre, Press Release,windows blog ]

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