Develop better Web apps using Bootstrap from Twitter


August 21, 2011Web design1 Comment

Twitter launched bootstrap, an opensource toolkit to develop web applications using CSS and HTML.This new toolkit offers the front end developers a easy and fast way to design for web applications using clean CSS.



What is Bootstrap ?

Bootstrap is the front end framework that has CSS and javascript files for the components that you can use in your websites and applications.Using this framework will reduce the development time because of the rapid conventions

It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more.


Twitters vows to be good on maximum browser compatibility for this toolkit.You can try the detailed description on Twitter blog.

One Response to “Develop better Web apps using Bootstrap from Twitter”
  1. Prachi

    Initial thoughts are that Bootstrap looks very easy to use, but will Twitter’s Bootstrap stand out as a development toolkit.

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